
Here is a list of questions that I have received that I'd love for you to answer. Choose a question, write a post on your own blog to answer it and send me back a link. If you see a question and you know of an other article or website that will answer that question please send that link as well.

- What's the best way to create one newsletter can be both printed and emailed?

Can you explain what picture sizes mean?

- How do you take info from Excel and put it in Publisher without the format changing?

- How do you transfer something from paint or illustrator into Publisher without losing quality?

- What do you know about fonts?

What's the difference between a facebook group and a facebook page? (Answer 1)

- What are some free resources for finding graphics for print and screen productions?

- What is the best way to set up a free website?

- If our church isn't online, and into social media, do we have any hope of reaching 18-30 year olds?

- How can you stay within copyright guidelines on web and print images?

- What is the best way to send out e-news?