I asked them what the 3 top things they would want to share about communication. Here are some of their responses.
1. The world is changing and so much church communications.
2. New media strategies can help with budget woes (Facebook is free!)
3. Look at all church communications through the... eyes of a visitor.
4.Pick a few ways to communicate and do them well, rather than trying to do lots of things, poorly
5. It's NOT all about the postcard anymore
6. For a new perspective on a regular print piece, resist the temptation to open up the last file and do a "save as." start from scratch and re-evaluate what was good about the last one and what can be done differently
7. I can't overstate the importance of everyone being willing to use the same softwares...makes file sharing and life in general so much easier.
There's seven things to get you started. What would you add?
I've recently learned that people check Facebook more than they use Google or other search engines. I would talk about moving in a direction of Web 3.0 (or is it 2.0) where the web comes to people through social media. Also, youtube is the 2nd largest search engine on the web. Churches need to have virtual presence in so many different portals.